Satelitska TV i kljucevi

Da li ko ima neki dobar converter z amiko risiver treba par listi da konertujem za njega i da gledam sa usb-a
Postavit "webtv list.txt" u istu mapu kao converter.jar i pokreni converter.jar
Nakon toga playlist.m3u će biti kreirana.


    2,1 KB · Pregleda: 17
Pozdrav društvo satelitska sa motorom sve super radilo donedavno kada je grmilo. Čudno se dešava sa antenom. Motor radi resiver radi Astra radi i ima slike a kad pribacim na eutel sat 16 E ima signala ima kvalitete a slike nema ???
XStreamity v4.23

  • Split out live, vod, series, catchup code into separate files to make it easier to amend the individual code.
  • Totally rewrote series to better pick up seasons and episodes.
  • New separate skin files for these elements. oktus you will have to update your abstract skin from my files. I have added it in for now,, but its adding file bulk.
  • ALL, FAVOURITES and RECENTLY WATCHED options now remain at the top of the list when sorting.
  • Amended a few indexed images back to 24 bit pngs as they were causing me to much noise in my debug logs. Unfortunately that means the file size has increased again. I will re-amend in the future.
  • Corrected TMBD language references. I was using a 2 digit code. It seems now the correct way is the 4 digit code. i.e fr-FR. Do note when using languages other than English, it doesn't fall back to English for missing fields. This is a known bug in TMDB. So if you can read English, you will get a better experience just using English
Pozdrav društvo satelitska sa motorom sve super radilo donedavno kada je grmilo. Čudno se dešava sa antenom. Motor radi resiver radi Astra radi i ima slike a kad pribacim na eutel sat 16 E ima signala ima kvalitete a slike nema ???

Da li to nemaš slike samo na scremblovanim kanalima ili je slučaj i na slobodnim? Proveri da li ti na Astri rade obe plarizacije, dakle proveri kanale na obe polarizacije i isto to na Eutelsatu 16e.
Ako imaš neki drugi risver možeš čisto da probaš kakva je situacija sa njim ili ako imaš neki rezervni LNB
XStreamity v4.27

Fixed isuhd ref. Should have been IsFHD. Maybe my skin converter software has an error. Don't know where that bug came from.

Changed the timeout on playlists screen (again), to stop it taking forever to load if people have multiple dead playlists. Not really my issue though.

Corrected the sort by "added" / "Year". Although this doesn't work on some providers as they not using official xtream codes software. Not a lot I can do about that. In that scenario, it will sort in some random order.

Corrected "abstract skin". Removed references to "lastchecked" and "blue button" in menu.xml

Removed main menu "update" text - for any skins mods like "abstract" that were still referencing the old blue button update option.

Re did a few haze graphics. Don't think they were wrong anyway. But saved them again.

XStreamity v4.28

  • compressed some graphics
  • Removed toy skin - it was just for a bit of fun originally. But it is large and doesn't compress well. I will create a seperate pbi if people still use it for their little ones.
  • Moved vod cover default image into common files rather than a skinable image to reduce overall size
  • added translation text into user info page
  • corrected "restart gui required" so its correctly translated in all the settings options
  • Put a catch in for bad providers who show series categories, but all series categories are empty
  • Fixed an epg issue, where is was displaying the same entry for now and next for some providers
  • changed infobar timeout to 3 seconds. And no longer reflects image infobar timeout
  • Back or stop button, now stops vod and creates a resume point instead

Da li to nemaš slike samo na scremblovanim kanalima ili je slučaj i na slobodnim? Proveri da li ti na Astri rade obe plarizacije, dakle proveri kanale na obe polarizacije i isto to na Eutelsatu 16e.
Ako imaš neki drugi risver možeš čisto da probaš kakva je situacija sa njim ili ako imaš neki rezervni LNB
Napravio sam, u postavkama na eutel satu pobrkao frekvenciju LNB kad sam je vratio slika je došla. LP